Szlovákiai Magyar Adatbank » Sutaj, Štefan – Štefanský, Michal: The implementation of decrees issued by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic and regulations of the Slovak national council of Slovakia on german and hungarian minorities. Foreign policy implications. In: Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the Context of Regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006. 13-58. p. [ Beneš-dekrétumok; Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács; kisebbségi jogok; jogfosztottság ] Sutaj, Štefan – Štefanský, Michal: The implementation of decrees issued by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic and regulations of the Slovak national council of Slovakia on german and hungarian minorities. Foreign policy implications. In: Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the Context of Regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006. 13-58. p. [ Beneš-dekrétumok; Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács; kisebbségi jogok; jogfosztottság ] – Szlovákiai Magyar Adatbank

Sutaj, Štefan – Štefanský, Michal: The implementation of decrees issued by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic and regulations of the Slovak national council of Slovakia on german and hungarian minorities. Foreign policy implications. In: Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the Context of Regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006. 13-58. p. [ Beneš-dekrétumok; Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács; kisebbségi jogok; jogfosztottság ]

Sutaj, Štefan – Štefanský, Michal: The implementation of decrees issued by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic and regulations of the Slovak national council of Slovakia on german and hungarian minorities. Foreign policy implications. In: Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the Context of Regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006. 13-58. p. [ Beneš-dekrétumok; Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács; kisebbségi jogok; jogfosztottság ]

The implementation of decrees issued by the president of the Czechoslovak Republic and regulations of the Slovak national council of Slovakia on german and hungarian minorities. Foreign policy implications. In: Slovakia and Decrees of President of the Czechoslovak Republik Edvard Beneš in the Context of Regulations of the Slovak National Council. Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications. Bratislava, Veda Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2006. 13-58. p.
[ Beneš-dekrétumok; Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács; kisebbségi jogok; jogfosztottság ]

KategóriaA szlovákiai magyarok történetének válogatott bibliográfiája (1990–2008)
Címkekisebbségi jogok / jogfosztottság / Beneš-dekrétumok / Szlovák Nemzeti Tanács
Kiadás éve2006
SzerzőSutaj, Štefan – Štefanský, Michal
Rövid URL
Módosítás dátuma2019. augusztus 8.

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