Szlovákiai Magyar Adatbank » Gyurgyík, László: Hungarians in Czechoslovakia: Changes in Their Population and Settlement System from 1918 to the Present Day. Minorities Research, 4 (2002), 34-47. p. Gyurgyík, László: Hungarians in Czechoslovakia: Changes in Their Population and Settlement System from 1918 to the Present Day. Minorities Research, 4 (2002), 34-47. p. – Szlovákiai Magyar Adatbank

Gyurgyík, László: Hungarians in Czechoslovakia: Changes in Their Population and Settlement System from 1918 to the Present Day. Minorities Research, 4 (2002), 34-47. p.

Gyurgyík, László: Hungarians in Czechoslovakia: Changes in Their Population and Settlement System from 1918 to the Present Day. Minorities Research, 4 (2002), 34-47. p.

Hungarians in Czechoslovakia: Changes in Their Population and Settlement System from 1918 to the Present Day. Minorities Research, 4 (2002), 34-47. p.

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